Post by Cindy HamiltonPost by Dave SmithHow much of that stuff do they sell compared to things like Franks,
Tabasco and Sriacha.
Less, of course. Wimps like me rely on those three. In our
town of slightly more than 100,000 people, there are plenty
of people who enjoy more heat. That's why the heat scales
at ethnic restaurants go all the way up.
We took our son to his favourite Thai restaurant and it confirmed my
impression of the place that when you ordered it was a game of heat
roulette. We ordered three dishes and different heat level for each. I
had ordered shrimp and opted for mild because shrimp can't really
compete with the heat. When the food came his and my wife's dishes were
surprisingly mild but my shrimp was so hot I had trouble eating it.
We used to have
Post by Cindy Hamiltonan Indian restaurant that offered "mild, medium, hot, Indian hot,
and More Than Indian Hot". My husband ordered More Than Indian
Hot once. I think we went out for ice cream afterward.
I once went to a Spanish place with some people I was on a course with.
There was an Indian guy who wanted something spicy so he and I split an
order or paella but he asked for some hot sauce to go with it. The
waiter brought us a bowl of sauce with some crackers. I put a little
sauce on a cracker and tried it and told him it was hot. He said it was
because I was used to bland food and that he had been raised on hot
food so he would not find it too hot. I said no, I eat a lot of spicy
food and this is really hot. He tried it and said by golly it is really