Post by CarolPost by dsi1Your parents should have called you Umami.
"Umami" is my middle name. Truly, it is a wondrous name.
hehehe. I'm plotting tomorrow's dinner. I have to wait for the
chicken breast to defrost. I don't like to use the microwave
defrost function as it seems to partly cook things? Anyways meat
seems funny after that feature.
So far, it's just a scetch so chime in if you have any ideas!
Chicken gravy (McCormicks Chicken gravy powder in bulk so can make
as much as I want with no packet size limits). I'll turn it into
curry gravy (just have to pick among my 5 or 6).
Then mushrooms, I have Cremeni, King Oyster, and Shiitake on hand
(plus Enoki but it's not right for this). Plan now is to mix in
all 3 types. I'll probably add some red bell pepper strips for
bright color contrast. Greens from some green onions.
Saute the green onions, bell peppers and cut up mushrooms in olive oil.
Cut the chicken bite-sized then combine the other things. Serve on
rice. I have Calrose medium, long grain in Basmati and Jasmine.
Basmati sounds best match.
Sides to be decided but it has to be something here as
Friday/Saturday should be snowing. I have not much fresh variety
but workable. Bok Choy, Yu Choy, carrots, lots of bell peppers.
Plenty of cans of other things like peas, Italian flat beans, corn,
veg-all, beans.
Should be good!
I'm not sure what that conglomeration is supposed to be. Certainly
not something I'd cook.