Post by Cindy HamiltonPost by BrucePost by BryanGSimmonsPost by Hank RogersDon't be shy. Who is your favorite dead actor/actress?
I wish that I could get TCM w/o having to pay for a bunch of other crap
that I have no use for. Criterion is nice that way.
Who needs a paid service when there is Maybe not for
blockbusters but what sheeple watch those?
Advertisements. I'm willing to pay not to see ads.
There are so few ads on Tubi they aren't worth worrying about. When you
start a program you will see one or two short ads, rarely more than 30
seconds total for a couple ads. Then you will see one or two more short
ads every 15 minutes or so. It is next to painless. I pay for Netflix
and end up watching more on Tubi than on Netflix.
The best free streaming service I have found in Kanopy. It is free to
members of libraries that have subscribed to it. It has a smaller of
movies and tv shows than the other services but there is much better
stuff. I spend a lot of time looking for new shows to watch on Tubi and
about 4 times as much to find something on Netflix but when I access
Kanopy I usually find something good within seconds.
There are a couple drawbacks to Kanopy. You only get a certain number of
credits each month. At the start of each month you are credited with a
number of tickets and the number of tickets for a show depend on a
number of factors, like the studio, run time and extended viewing
periods. The info I got online said 15 tickets per month, but I remember
that in the last month of November my account showed 22 tickets.
You lose those credits as soon as you click on the movie so if you press
on one accidentally or if you watch one for a minute and don't like
it.... too bad, you spent those credits. You can get around that problem
in households with multiple library members. When you use up all your
credits switch to your spouse's account and you start all over.
FWIW.. I watched an amazing German film on Kanopy the other, What About
Hitler? It is about some Germans at a dinner party. One couple is
expecting a child and while waiting for his wife to come from her
ultrasound appointment he tells the others it is going to be a boy and
they are going to call him Adolph.