Post by Hank RogersFor the next 4 years at least, every time trump farts, it will be
breaking news. Everyone will get worked up one way or another.
This what he does. He loves doing it and that won't change.
He loves turning the slightest thing into a major shit show and
confrontation. It's OK with me. Let him run loose like he's always
done. Me Me ME ME ME ME ME ME ... and ps: ... MAGA.
Yup... and the lib PUKES are BAWLING like lil' kidz who get COAL instead
of gifts in their XMAS stockings, lol...!!!
Ain't it GRAND...!!!???
The Beatings Will Continue . . .
By Noah Rothman - January 29, 2025
"The bad news just keeps coming for Democrats.
Quinnipiac University’s latest survey finds that the party’s brand has
descended further into the toilet’s most forsaken depths...
Just 31 percent of registered voters said they viewed the Democratic
Party positively — the lowest approval rating the party has generated in
the poll’s history. Just 22 percent of independents are inclined to look
kindly on the institution. Indeed, only 77 percent of self-described
Democrats can summon any enthusiasm for their own political
At 43 percent approval (and 45 percent disapproval), the Republican
Party is in a much healthier place...
And we don’t need to look further than that same poll to get a good idea
as to why the Democratic Party’s image is so thoroughly tarnished...
When GOP voters were asked about their priorities, they cited
immigration and the economy — both of which track with the priorities
shared by the majority of respondents...
“Among Democrats,” by contrast, “the top issue is preserving democracy
in the United States (35 percent) followed by climate change (18
percent),” Quinnipiac’s release read...
The priorities of the Democratic rank and file are not America’s
priorities. Until such time as that changes, the party should count on
being unpopular..."