Post by Mike DuffyThis is a space for four cars to be parked parallel
[...] 20' wide entrance to this area???
Ok, but
(1) How many feet frontage'?
Just under 50 feet wide.
Post by Mike Duffy(2) How many feet in other dimension of formed condrete?
If you're asking how the dimensions of the formed concrete
the border is about 1 foot wide and about 1 foot deep.
Post by Mike Duffy----------------------------------------------
↖ raised concrete form ↗ |
raised concrete form → |
↙ raised concrete form ↘ |
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Entrance to parking area
How do they think four cars can park there
Until I see the exact dimensions, my best guess
is each car must be back-ed in from the street.
No they will back in or pull in from the alley.
But I don't think you're understanding my question
or maybe I'm not clear in my description.
Suppose there is a car parked on the far left in this
space. Now suppose a second car pulls in next to the
car on the left. Now a car pulls in or attempts to
pull to park on the far right. Then car number four
pulls in next to the car parked on the far right.
Here's the dilemma, car #1 on the far left or car
#4 on the far right wants to leave. How are they
going to maneuver out of entrance since they are
now blocked in by cars #2 & 3. Remember, the
perimeter to this parking area is a raised concrete