Post by ItsJoanNotJoAnnPost by jmcquownThe woman who rescued Cleo dropped her off at my house yesterday
morning. I let Cleo out of the carrier in my bedroom. She hid under
the bed, as expected. She started coming out gradually when I'd go in
the bedroom and call her name. She made a bee-line for the food bowls,
then she'd go back under the bed. But now she's coming out almost
immediately when I walk in say her name, and she's letting me pet her.
I thought she was a grey tabby with a white face and bib. Turns out
she's actually brown with black spots and stripes on her body and two
white stockings on her back feet. I'll try to get some pics when she's
more comfortable in her new surroundings. She's a beautiful kitten!
She is settling in very quickly!! Pema took three weeks
to accept this is new home. Pepper took over two months
before she'd let me touch her or even see her.
I got lucky with this little girl. Settling in very quickly indeed!
This evening she discovered snoozing on top of the bed is much more
comfortable than hiding underneath it. :) And yes, she lets me pet her
and if I lean towards her she gives me a head bump. It's comical. I'm
letting her deal with things at her own pace but she seems to be quite
Supposedly when a cat gives you a head bump it means
they have accepted you as their buddy. Pepper has
found out she likes sleeping draped over my legs
while I'm perched on the couch.
Whatever it means to a cat, it's cute! Cleo ventured out into the
living room last night while I was at my desk answering some emails.
Next thing I know, she was exploring other rooms. I have the door to
the guest bedroom closed; no need to give her another bed to hide under.
And the door to the kitchen is closed. No reason for her to go in
there since her food bowls & water bowl are in the bedroom.
She hasn't ventured out of my room yet this morning but she will. She
jumped up on the bed a couple of times during the night but didn't stay
there. She's still unsure of her new surroundings (and of me, despite
the head bump and letting me pet her). She's got a squeaky little meow
and is totally cute. :)
Further information: The vet records the woman gave me note a "tipped"
ear. Once Cleo came out of hiding I could see it. That means she was
part of a TNR program. But the vet doesn't think she was born in a
feral colony since she is litter box trained. They think some asshole
dumped her. I hate to say this, but there are a lot of military people
in this area who get transferred out and, unfortunately, they leave pets
behind. A lot of stupid people think cats can fend for themselves so
they set them loose and leave them. I'm so glad this woman and her
husband took her in, took her to the vet and took care of her until I
adopted her.
Post by ItsJoanNotJoAnnMeanwhile, I'm watching 'The Crawling Eye', a cheesy old horror movie on
TV (Svengoolie) which is ridiculously stupid.
I don't have that channel, but it does sound like one
of those cheesy 1950's horror movies.
The channel is MeTV, Svengoolie is a TV host along the lines of the
1970's Vampira. I seem to remember seeing this movie on the Friday
Night Fright Flicks that came on at midnight when I was a teenager. And
yes, it was a totally cheesy movie! :)