Hunt's "Meatloaf Fixins"
(too old to reply)
2021-01-15 00:22:05 UTC
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
Hank Rogers
2021-01-15 00:58:39 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
Yeah Hunt's. I think they snagged you!

They also have a wonderful spaghetti sauce in cans.
Sheldon Martin
2021-01-15 14:28:32 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
You'd do far better with canned Hunt's crushed tomatoes seasoned
yourself. Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes squished by hand and seasoned
yourself work well too. I also buy Hunt's diced tomatoes, large dice
and small dice... excellent for pasta sauce.
2021-01-16 01:30:43 UTC
Post by Sheldon Martin
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
You'd do far better with canned Hunt's crushed tomatoes seasoned
yourself. Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes squished by hand and seasoned
yourself work well too. I also buy Hunt's diced tomatoes, large dice
and small dice... excellent for pasta sauce.
Tomatoes don't have any place in meatloaf.

Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 09:35:49 UTC
Post by jmcquown
Post by Sheldon Martin
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
You'd do far better with canned Hunt's crushed tomatoes seasoned
yourself. Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes squished by hand and seasoned
yourself work well too. I also buy Hunt's diced tomatoes, large dice
and small dice... excellent for pasta sauce.
Tomatoes don't have any place in meatloaf.
In your humble opinion.

I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't like it. But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.

Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 15:46:54 UTC
Post by Cindy Hamilton
Post by jmcquown
Post by Sheldon Martin
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
You'd do far better with canned Hunt's crushed tomatoes seasoned
yourself. Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes squished by hand and seasoned
yourself work well too. I also buy Hunt's diced tomatoes, large dice
and small dice... excellent for pasta sauce.
Tomatoes don't have any place in meatloaf.
In your humble opinion.
I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't like it. But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.
I'll throw some dehydrated tomater flakes into a meatloaf mix...also some ketchup...
2021-01-16 21:20:21 UTC
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
Post by Cindy Hamilton
I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't like it. But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.
me either. i've used tomato paste in it for added color
(for the vegetarian version i used to make) and flavor.

i'm pretty sure that Mom's standard version doesn't have
much other than what she would normally do for meatballs
other than some added oatmeal.

the tomatoes are in the ketchup squirted on top before

Dave Smith
2021-01-16 22:05:48 UTC
Post by songbird
Post by Cindy Hamilton
I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't like it. But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.
me either. i've used tomato paste in it for added color
(for the vegetarian version i used to make) and flavor.
i'm pretty sure that Mom's standard version doesn't have
much other than what she would normally do for meatballs
other than some added oatmeal.
the tomatoes are in the ketchup squirted on top before
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it. It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
Hank Rogers
2021-01-16 22:56:03 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Post by Cindy Hamilton
I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't
like it.  But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.
   me either.  i've used tomato paste in it for added color
(for the vegetarian version i used to make) and flavor.
   i'm pretty sure that Mom's standard version doesn't have
much other than what she would normally do for meatballs
other than some added oatmeal.
   the tomatoes are in the ketchup squirted on top before
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat
mix and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven.  Then I
have a little as a condiment when I eat it. It is one of the very
few foods that I have with ketchup.
Dave, I think that's the shortest story yoose ever told !!!!

Master Druce is probably shitting his britches.
2021-01-16 23:40:10 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by Dave Smith
Post by Cindy Hamilton
I don't really have a dog in the "meatloaf" fight, since I don't
like it. But
there are so many ways to make meatloaf, tomatoes can legitimately
figure in there someplace.
me either. i've used tomato paste in it for added color
(for the vegetarian version i used to make) and flavor.
i'm pretty sure that Mom's standard version doesn't have
much other than what she would normally do for meatballs
other than some added oatmeal.
the tomatoes are in the ketchup squirted on top before
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat
mix and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I
have a little as a condiment when I eat it. It is one of the very
few foods that I have with ketchup.
Dave, I think that's the shortest story yoose ever told !!!!
You could make a "word cloud" of Dave's stories and all the "words" would be the same...
Post by Hank Rogers
Master Druce is probably shitting his britches.
They are already "shat" - and *permanently*...
2021-01-17 13:23:16 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.

Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
Dave Smith
2021-01-17 15:57:07 UTC
Post by Gary
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven.  Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
I did not rant about ketchup. It's just that I don't use it much. I
don't use it on many of the things that other people do, like hot dogs,
hamburgers and fries. There is also the problem of ketchup being so
bland these days. It is weak and runny.
Sheldon Martin
2021-01-17 16:24:35 UTC
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 10:57:07 -0500, Dave Smith
Post by Dave Smith
Post by Gary
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven.  Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
I did not rant about ketchup. It's just that I don't use it much. I
don't use it on many of the things that other people do, like hot dogs,
hamburgers and fries. There is also the problem of ketchup being so
bland these days. It is weak and runny.
We very rarely eat fries. I don't consider that any of those fast
food joints have edible fries, they're all extruded and frozen...
blech! Occasionally I'll prepare fries from whole spuds, large ripple
cuts... but then I'll toss them with oil in a roasting pan and pop
them into a hot oven.

I'll put ketchup on a burger but on meat loaf I like horse radish,
sometimes mixed with ketchup.

I use far more mustard (Guldens) than ketchup. The only way to
prepare good meat loaf is with meat you grind yourself, mystery meat
makes lousy eating no matter how it's used... it's very difficult for
me to accept that proclaimed Foodies ever eat Mystery meat.
Dave Smith
2021-01-17 16:41:35 UTC
Post by Sheldon Martin
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 10:57:07 -0500, Dave Smith
Post by Dave Smith
Post by Gary
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
I did not rant about ketchup. It's just that I don't use it much. I
don't use it on many of the things that other people do, like hot dogs,
hamburgers and fries. There is also the problem of ketchup being so
bland these days. It is weak and runny.
We very rarely eat fries. I don't consider that any of those fast
food joints have edible fries, they're all extruded and frozen...
blech! Occasionally I'll prepare fries from whole spuds, large ripple
cuts... but then I'll toss them with oil in a roasting pan and pop
them into a hot oven.
I'll put ketchup on a burger but on meat loaf I like horse radish,
sometimes mixed with ketchup.
Meat loaf is one of the few things that I ketchup on... and in. I add
some horseradish to the meat loaf mix.
Post by Sheldon Martin
I use far more mustard (Guldens) than ketchup.
We use more mustard than ketchup.
2021-01-17 19:31:22 UTC
We very rarely eat fries. I don't consider that any of those fast
food joints have edible fries, they're all extruded and frozen...
I'll take your word for it that you rarely eat fries or rarely eat out. Not
a single fast food joint I've patronized serves "extruded fries." Frozen,
yes, that's how they can serve truckloads of them daily, extruded, no.
it's very difficult for
me to accept that proclaimed Foodies ever eat Mystery meat.
I'm no foodie, never have claimed to be one and never will be one, but
I eat "Mystery meat" quite frequently!
Master Bruce
2021-01-17 19:44:40 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
We very rarely eat fries. I don't consider that any of those fast
food joints have edible fries, they're all extruded and frozen...
I'll take your word for it that you rarely eat fries or rarely eat out. Not
a single fast food joint I've patronized serves "extruded fries." Frozen,
yes, that's how they can serve truckloads of them daily, extruded, no.
it's very difficult for
me to accept that proclaimed Foodies ever eat Mystery meat.
I'm no foodie, never have claimed to be one and never will be one, but
I eat "Mystery meat" quite frequently!
I once saw an item about Dutch mince meat. It was meat from African
cows. But because of conditions there, the meat was too lean. Luckily,
the EU had a mountain of excess beef fat from other sources. So they
would add some of that to the mince meat to get a good level of
fattiness. Mystery meat alright.
2021-01-17 19:50:18 UTC
Post by Master Bruce
Post by i***@webtv.net
We very rarely eat fries. I don't consider that any of those fast
food joints have edible fries, they're all extruded and frozen...
I'll take your word for it that you rarely eat fries or rarely eat out. Not
a single fast food joint I've patronized serves "extruded fries." Frozen,
yes, that's how they can serve truckloads of them daily, extruded, no.
it's very difficult for
me to accept that proclaimed Foodies ever eat Mystery meat.
I'm no foodie, never have claimed to be one and never will be one, but
I eat "Mystery meat" quite frequently!
I once saw an item about Dutch mince meat. It was meat from African
cows. But because of conditions there, the meat was too lean. Luckily,
the EU had a mountain of excess beef fat from other sources. So they
would add some of that to the mince meat to get a good level of
fattiness. Mystery meat alright.
Another definition for "factory farming?"
S Viemeister
2021-01-17 21:41:42 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Sheldon Martin
it's very difficult for
me to accept that proclaimed Foodies ever eat Mystery meat.
I'm no foodie, never have claimed to be one and never will be one, but
I eat "Mystery meat" quite frequently!
For some odd reason, he doesn't seem to think that mass-produced
sausages are mystery meat...
2021-01-17 17:24:15 UTC
Dave Smith wrote:
Post by Dave Smith
hamburgers and fries. There is also the problem of ketchup being so
bland these days. It is weak and runny.
the only thing i notice being different about it now is that it
is sweeter, but i'm pretty sure a lot of that has to do with me
not eating as much sugar - even breads and rolls often taste too
sweet to me now.

2021-01-17 17:37:48 UTC
Post by Gary
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
2021-01-17 19:32:34 UTC
Post by dsi1
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
Yum-yum sauce comes to mind.
2021-01-18 01:11:49 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by dsi1
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
Yum-yum sauce comes to mind.
That's something I'll find in a Chinese restaurant every so often. It's a little bit odd since the Chinese aren't really into mayo. It's like the Chinese secret sauce but it's easy enough to make - mayo, ketchup, honey, MSG, sesame oil. Well, that's what it seems like to me, anyway.
Master Bruce
2021-01-18 01:22:56 UTC
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 17:11:49 -0800 (PST), dsi1
Post by dsi1
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by dsi1
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
Yum-yum sauce comes to mind.
That's something I'll find in a Chinese restaurant every so often. It's a little bit odd since the Chinese aren't really into mayo. It's like the Chinese secret sauce but it's easy enough to make - mayo, ketchup, honey, MSG, sesame oil. Well, that's what it seems like to me, anyway.
Chinese and honey... is there anything they don't ruin? I'm referring
to the first episode of Netflix show Rotten.
Sheldon Martin
2021-01-17 19:48:17 UTC
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 09:37:48 -0800 (PST), dsi1
Post by dsi1
Post by Gary
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
We use very little ketchup but I like some on cold leftovers,
especially on a potato omelet. I haven't noticed any change over the
decades in Heinze Red. And it's extremely easy to jazz it up with
ordinary cooking ingredients... one of my favorites is to add some
real maple syrup, zips up most any leftover meat sandwich... will even
save a mystery meat burger. If McDs offered real maple syrup with
their condiments they'd double their sales.
Bryan Simmons
2021-01-17 22:06:24 UTC
Post by Sheldon Martin
On Sun, 17 Jan 2021 09:37:48 -0800 (PST), dsi1
Post by dsi1
Post by Gary
Post by Dave Smith
When I make meatloaf I add about a half cup of ketchup to the meat mix
and I spread some on top before it goes into the oven. Then I have a
little as a condiment when I eat it.
I only use it as a topping before it goes in the oven.
Post by Dave Smith
It is one of the very few foods
that I have with ketchup.
I've noticed that many good chefs have no problem using commercial ketchup.
Recently heard Bobby Flay say, "It's a good ingredient to use. No need
to "reinvent the wheel."
Chinese cooks like ketchup. It's used as a sweetener and because it "brightens" up a dish.
We use very little ketchup but I like some on cold leftovers,
especially on a potato omelet. I haven't noticed any change over the
decades in Heinze Red.
Heinz isn't going to mess with their formula. Many decades ago they switched from cane
sugar to the cheaper corn sugar, but that's not much different than regular sugar.
Post by Sheldon Martin
And it's extremely easy to jazz it up with
ordinary cooking ingredients... one of my favorites is to add some
real maple syrup, zips up most any leftover meat sandwich... will even
save a mystery meat burger. If McDs offered real maple syrup with
their condiments they'd double their sales.
Their prices would need to be higher. Plus, most folks prefer artificial maple flavor.
A good addition would be a syrup that is 20-30% real maple, with the rest being light
corn syrup. For pancakes and waffles you should try mixing 2:1 Karo light to real

Ed Pawlowski
2021-01-18 00:59:51 UTC
Post by Bryan Simmons
Heinz isn't going to mess with their formula. Many decades ago they switched from cane
sugar to the cheaper corn sugar, but that's not much different than regular sugar.
You can buy Simply Heinz with the real sugar. Much better flavor.
Post by Bryan Simmons
Their prices would need to be higher. Plus, most folks prefer artificial maple flavor.
A good addition would be a syrup that is 20-30% real maple, with the rest being light
corn syrup. For pancakes and waffles you should try mixing 2:1 Karo light to real
Nope. Real maple syrup or nothing. Would you water down a good bottle
of wine? Beer?
Master Bruce
2021-01-18 01:02:29 UTC
Post by Ed Pawlowski
Post by Bryan Simmons
Heinz isn't going to mess with their formula. Many decades ago they switched from cane
sugar to the cheaper corn sugar, but that's not much different than regular sugar.
You can buy Simply Heinz with the real sugar. Much better flavor.
Post by Bryan Simmons
Their prices would need to be higher. Plus, most folks prefer artificial maple flavor.
A good addition would be a syrup that is 20-30% real maple, with the rest being light
corn syrup. For pancakes and waffles you should try mixing 2:1 Karo light to real
Nope. Real maple syrup or nothing. Would you water down a good bottle
of wine? Beer?
Give Bryan a good bottle of Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc and he'll
add a sweetener to it. He's a true Pioneer of the Palate.
2021-01-18 17:35:49 UTC
Post by Ed Pawlowski
Post by Bryan Simmons
Heinz isn't going to mess with their formula. Many decades ago they switched from cane
sugar to the cheaper corn sugar, but that's not much different than regular sugar.
You can buy Simply Heinz with the real sugar. Much better flavor.
Post by Bryan Simmons
Their prices would need to be higher. Plus, most folks prefer artificial maple flavor.
A good addition would be a syrup that is 20-30% real maple, with the rest being light
corn syrup. For pancakes and waffles you should try mixing 2:1 Karo light to real
Nope. Real maple syrup or nothing. Would you water down a good bottle
of wine? Beer?
I always mixed my wine to make wine coolers.
I have both real maple syrup and the "log cabin" type.
Different flavors for different things. I like them both.

I've also considered mixing the two together.

Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-18 09:38:57 UTC
Their prices would need to be higher. Plus, most folks prefer artificial maple flavor.
Most people have their taste degraded by decades of industrial food.
A good addition would be a syrup that is 20-30% real maple, with the rest being light
corn syrup. For pancakes and waffles you should try mixing 2:1 Karo light to real
Ew. Just ew. I always buy grade B maple syrup for its more pronounced natural
maple flavor. Why would I want to dilute that?

Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 12:54:52 UTC
Post by jmcquown
Post by Sheldon Martin
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
You'd do far better with canned Hunt's crushed tomatoes seasoned
yourself. Hunt's whole peeled tomatoes squished by hand and seasoned
yourself work well too. I also buy Hunt's diced tomatoes, large dice
and small dice... excellent for pasta sauce.
Tomatoes don't have any place in meatloaf.
My meatloaf never contains anything tomato inside but it's a good thing
on the outside (for me).

I use either plain ketchup or ketchup mixed with a little worcestershire
sauce mixed in. I slather the outside of the meatloaf with it - as much
as it will hold.

This is only *before* baking. It will carmelize somewhat and taste is
somewhat different.
I never add ketchup after baking. I just like that thin layer of it
cooked on the outer edge of the slices.
2021-01-15 22:13:59 UTC
On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 16:22:05 -0800 (PST)
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
So . . . what were the ingredients?

I found these on the 'net,
1 can (15.25 oz) Hunts family favorites seasoned tomato sauce for
meatloaf (note: 1/2 can for the meat mixture - 1/2 for topping)
2 lbs 93% lean ground beef
2 large eggs, beaten
1 c. quick cooking oats, dry bread crumbs or crushed crackers

BUT what does the "can" say?
Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can
and whiskey to accept the things I cannot.
2021-01-16 12:11:08 UTC
"heyjoe" wrote in message news:rtt436$pd5$***@dont-email.me...

Lord, give me coffee to change the things I can
and whiskey to accept the things I cannot.


Love your sig :)))
2021-01-16 01:14:31 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
The key for me was Hunts. How they got to be a big name, I am not sure
but I can't think of a single Hunts product we'd spare a dime on.

Sorry but they are all underspiced salt-laden stuff with added sugar to
increase the insult.
Hank Rogers
2021-01-16 01:43:52 UTC
Post by cshenk
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
The key for me was Hunts. How they got to be a big name, I am not sure
but I can't think of a single Hunts product we'd spare a dime on.
Sorry but they are all underspiced salt-laden stuff with added sugar to
increase the insult.
People only buy hunt's if there is no jewish deli nearby.
Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 09:34:34 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
The key for me was Hunts. How they got to be a big name, I am not sure
but I can't think of a single Hunts product we'd spare a dime on.
Sorry but they are all underspiced salt-laden stuff with added sugar to
increase the insult.
You're right about the sugar, but the salt they add just means I don't
have to add as much.

What product do you buy that needs to be pre-spiced? I always add
my own.

However, the bottom line is: I like other brands better. Cento or Dei Fratelli
are available at my local grocery and I usually buy those.

Cindy Hamilton
Bryan Simmons
2021-01-16 14:45:57 UTC
Post by Cindy Hamilton
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
The key for me was Hunts. How they got to be a big name, I am not sure
but I can't think of a single Hunts product we'd spare a dime on.
Sorry but they are all underspiced salt-laden stuff with added sugar to
increase the insult.
You're right about the sugar, but the salt they add just means I don't
have to add as much.
What product do you buy that needs to be pre-spiced? I always add
my own.
However, the bottom line is: I like other brands better. Cento or Dei Fratelli
are available at my local grocery and I usually buy those.
Or Contadina or Red Gold. We're going to the Italian grocery this morning.
They sell both Cento and Dei Fratelli, and they're the place to buy Stanislaus,
which is the super premium brand, but it only comes in industrial size cans,
so you have to freeze portions of it. Hunts is not a very good brand of
Post by Cindy Hamilton
Cindy Hamilton
Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 15:08:22 UTC
Post by Cindy Hamilton
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r.
Either my taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
The key for me was Hunts. How they got to be a big name, I am not sure
but I can't think of a single Hunts product we'd spare a dime on.
Sorry but they are all underspiced salt-laden stuff with added sugar to
increase the insult.
You're right about the sugar, but the salt they add just means I don't
have to add as much.
What product do you buy that needs to be pre-spiced? I always add
my own.
However, the bottom line is: I like other brands better. Cento or Dei Fratelli
are available at my local grocery and I usually buy those.
Or Contadina or Red Gold. We're going to the Italian grocery this morning.
They sell both Cento and Dei Fratelli, and they're the place to buy Stanislaus,
which is the super premium brand, but it only comes in industrial size cans,
so you have to freeze portions of it. Hunts is not a very good brand of
Post by Cindy Hamilton
Cindy Hamilton
We don't have an Italian grocery, so I think I'll settle for Cento. I don't
use all that much tomato product anyway. A 28 ounce can in a pot
of vegetable soup every week or two; a dab of tomato paste in a pot
of lentil soup every other week or two. Neither of those uses really
exposes the flavor of the tomatoes.

Cindy Hamilton
2021-01-16 01:29:46 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
After having had personal rave reviews of this sauce and online
rave reviews I finally was able to snag two cans at the grocery
store. I followed the directions t.o. - t.h.e. - l.e.t.t.e.r. Either my
taste buds are shot to hell or everybody loves nursing home
foods. Terrible, terrible disappointment and aggravated that I
wasted food and my time.
Do I remember correctly that you don't like meatloaf?

2021-01-16 01:46:47 UTC
Post by jmcquown
Do I remember correctly that you don't like meatloaf?
I love it, I just can't hit on a good recipe. This disaster was turned into
2021-01-16 02:16:56 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by jmcquown
Do I remember correctly that you don't like meatloaf?
I love it, I just can't hit on a good recipe. This disaster was turned into
Okay, sorry I misremembered.

2021-01-16 12:55:20 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by jmcquown
Do I remember correctly that you don't like meatloaf?
I love it, I just can't hit on a good recipe. This disaster was turned into
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
I'll only add tomato product sauce to the outside for a coating and only
enough to coat it well without running out into the pan.

I'm waiting for Master Bruce to provide an ingredient list for the
Hunt's meatloaf sauce that you bought.
2021-01-16 19:35:21 UTC
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
Hank Rogers
2021-01-16 20:49:33 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.

There are some packs of meat loaf seasoning mix which are OK, but I
can't recall any of the brand names.
2021-01-16 20:53:28 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
There are some packs of meat loaf seasoning mix which are OK, but I
can't recall any of the brand names.
The John Kuthe brand is called "Beat My Meatloaf"...in a squirt bottle...
Sheldon Martin
2021-01-16 21:40:28 UTC
On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 12:53:28 -0800 (PST), GM
Post by GM
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
There are some packs of meat loaf seasoning mix which are OK, but I
can't recall any of the brand names.
The John Kuthe brand is called "Beat My Meatloaf"...in a squirt bottle...
The Kootchie Kit includes forceps and a jeweler's loupe.
Hank Rogers
2021-01-16 22:23:17 UTC
Post by Sheldon Martin
On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 12:53:28 -0800 (PST), GM
Post by GM
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
There are some packs of meat loaf seasoning mix which are OK, but I
can't recall any of the brand names.
The John Kuthe brand is called "Beat My Meatloaf"...in a squirt bottle...
The Kootchie Kit includes forceps and a jeweler's loupe.
It's perfect for elderly homosexual sailors who spent their navy
days eating pinoy diks at the fantail !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hank Rogers
2021-01-16 22:20:11 UTC
Post by GM
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
There are some packs of meat loaf seasoning mix which are OK, but I
can't recall any of the brand names.
The John Kuthe brand is called "Beat My Meatloaf"...in a squirt bottle...
And ... it negates the gasoline you burned to get to the store!!!!!
And ... Mother gaiaia has an orgasm when yoose open it!!!
2021-01-17 00:39:22 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
I turned it into soup with the hamburger as the meat. Highly seasoned, it
turned out great.
Post by Hank Rogers
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
If you really want a good commercial spaghetti sauce try Rao's.
2021-01-17 02:11:14 UTC
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
I turned it into soup with the hamburger as the meat. Highly seasoned, it
turned out great.
Post by Hank Rogers
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
If you really want a good commercial spaghetti sauce try Rao's.
I like to buy the cheapest sauce I can find. It's going to taste great by the time I get through with it. You'll probably like UFC Spaghetti sauce - if you're Filipino-ish.
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Master Bruce
2021-01-17 02:59:53 UTC
On Sat, 16 Jan 2021 18:11:14 -0800 (PST), dsi1
Post by dsi1
Post by Hank Rogers
Post by i***@webtv.net
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
I bet that was one disgusting meat loaf.
I turned it into soup with the hamburger as the meat. Highly seasoned, it
turned out great.
Post by Hank Rogers
Hunt's also sells a spaghetti sauce in cans. I tied it several
years ago, and it is also truly disgusting. Went back to classico
brand; costs more but is edible.
If you really want a good commercial spaghetti sauce try Rao's.
I like to buy the cheapest sauce I can find. It's going to taste great by the time I get through with it. You'll probably like UFC Spaghetti sauce - if you're Filipino-ish.
Well, Joan? Are you Filipino-ish?
2021-01-17 03:22:14 UTC
Post by Master Bruce
Well, Joan? Are you Filipino-ish?
I hate to disappoint you, but no.
Master Bruce
2021-01-17 03:28:25 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Master Bruce
Well, Joan? Are you Filipino-ish?
I hate to disappoint you, but no.
2021-01-17 13:20:41 UTC
Post by i***@webtv.net
Post by Gary
Sounds like the mistake there was adding the half can to the mix.
The directions on the can said to add 3/4 of it to the mix with the
remainder slathered over the top after baking and return to the oven
for another 10 minutes.
Maybe put it over some pasta and call it spaghetti sauce.