2025-02-14 20:52:47 UTC
PermalinkJust curious but what type of storm supplies (for those in an area
where it pertains) do you normally stock in the pantry? Besides
batteries and candles etc.
Here are common ones that I keep handy then annually clear out if
nearing expiration or nominally 'gently expired'. No special order:
Spam- 3-4
Shelf stable hard sausage- 2
Canned chicken meat- various sized cans, 4-5
Sardines- 6
Kippers - 4
Tuna- 4
Canned soups- various (20)
Canned stew- beef and chicken types- 3
canned dog food (current cat won't eat wet food) - 6
Canned beans- various - 10
Canned vegetables- various -10
canned tomatoes - 8
evaporated milk -4
condensed milk -4
buttermilk powder
Ramen cubes- 4
Dry gatoraide powder
About 50 bottles water (refilled from tap after washing)
4 1gallon jugs water
distilled water (5gal, made at home from machine)
Crackers, lots of types
Peanut butter
instant oatmeal/grits
instant potatoes (have gravy powders all the time)
peanuts (cook in fireplace in dutch oven in winter outages)
Shelf stable homeade jerky
Home made dried apple chips and banana chips
tealight candles (have a unit to heat water- can make instant with any
'add hot water' products)
Rest of you? Many of these I use commonly all yer, I just aim to have
these many extras on standby.